Guardian UV Light Filtration Systems

A UV Filtration system kills 99% of bacteria and viruses that may be contaminating your air supply. No harmful chemicals are used to achieve this as it is done through an environmentally safe EPA approved process using carbon filters and ultra violet light treatments.

UV filtration is no longer exclusive to just the commercial industry. It has become an essential benefit added to the common residence. UV lighting systems can be installed at a very reasonable rate and has paid dividends for households containing children, elderly and those with allergies or other respiratory disorders. If you’re interested in learning more about installing a Guardian RFG system in your home, call us today!

Kills 99% of Bacteria, Viruses and Mold ( Surface and Airborne)
Kills 85% of Gases and Odors
Approved by EPA
Used by US Government, schools, hospitals, nursing home, cruise ships, restaurant chains, daycare centers, commercial buildings and residential homes


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